Thursday, October 8, 2009

This week was crazier than the last. It is my purpose today to update the status and assignments of each class. If you have any questions, ask in class so everyone is up to speed. Thank you to the grade 12 and grade 10 classes who participated in the LIP story and questions. I will mark your answers and we will discuss as a class if we want to record the marks. Next week the grade 12 classes will be completing the AFL writing assessment. You will be marked on your essay (25 marks). This is a provincial assessment that I signed you up to complete because you are an exceptional group in terms of creative writing .

ELA 20
The Glass Menagerie quiz is on Friday (tomorrow). It is short answer questions and an essay question. The dramatic readings were good. One group will go again on Tuesday so we can have a mark for your "Laura". Assignments are pretty much caught up. We are right on schedule with the curriculum so thanks for your consistant work.

We are quite messed up with our computer day and it looks like next week is a miss as well. Try to get the assignments in on your own time and I will try to find computers during class. The assignments that are due are: 1) poem analysis of "The Story"
2) Internet research of Hamlet
3) mythology assignment from Hamlet (Internet)
Next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, we are completing the AFL writing and on Thursday, you willl have a computer class to get caught up on assignments.

The ceiling tiles are not in yet so we will just carry on and finish the final projects for Death on the Ice when the tiles come in. The precis writing unit will be interrupted next week by the AFL on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday, you will be involved in a History workshop. It is all curriculum related so just go with the flow.

Final projects for Warriors Don't Cry are due on Tuesday so try to get everything done before then so you don't have homework in ELA. Good attendance last month! Congrats on the pizza reward.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We live in a peaceful country and need to be grateful for what we have been given.

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