Friday, December 18, 2009

ELA 20
All Mockingbird assignments are due Monday. Any handed in after that day will not be accepted. Sorry. I cannot wait any longer. You must do homework in this class to be successful.

Excellent effort on Animal Farm. You improved your critical thinking skills and your ability to find a worthy quote for support. I will have everything handed in marked by Monday. Check the marksheet on Sunday evening for your mark.

Multicultural essay is due on Monday. We will be formatting the final copy on Monday.

The Black Donnelly's reader responses are due on Monday. No exceptions. You have had plenty of classtime to complete the assignment. Get it done on the weekend. We are alsomst at the end of the semester. Don't mess up now!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

ELA 20
5 portfolio pages before Christmas!!! Let's get going. Now, you have the rewrite of "Luke Baldwin'e Vow" as well as any other outstanding assignments. Tomorrow, I will introduce the next novel - The Progeny of Light.

Animal Farm vocabulary and questions on Chapters 6-10 are due Friday as well as the quiz will be Friday. The paraphrase and summary of The Communist Manifesto is also due Friday. The good news is that you have this week to get things done. Next week we will start Lord of the Flies.

Work on the essay at home and by Wednesday you should be well into writing the draft.

The Black Donnellys journal responses should be done by Monday. Work hard in class to keep up.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Drama Production is coming along nicely...thanks for coming out in the frigid morning air!
ELA 20
Typing the final copy of Part 2 of "The Caller". All Mockingbird assignments are due on Friday or you will receive a zero. Five portfolio pages by Friday as well. Tomorrow class is at 11:00.

Animal Farm quiz today. Thanks for being there - 100% for the first 5 people who read this and tell me tomorrow - even thought you do not have class!!! Animal Farm will be finished next week so get the Chapter 1-5 quotes in by Friday. Friday is another computer day, so come prepared to type your final copies.

The multicultural voice in Canada is an interesting concept. Thanks for the discussion today. This unit will be over very quickly so work hard to keep up.

The Donnelly website is very interesting and allows us to see a different picture of the Donnelly massacre. Tomorrow we will be reading and working on Ch. 5/6 and 7/8. Thanks for keeping up .

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

ELA 20
There are still some mockingbird assignments out. I will accept them until Friday and then you will have to take a zero. We have moved on to the short story unit and will be reading a few short stories before Christmas. Also, you need your portfolio information here soon.

Animal Farm is a quick read and my intention is to be done the novel by next week. We are still behind a little but catching up slowly. Keep working hard.

The Northern Voice quiz was a test of your ability to analyze a poem and write an essay on an unfamiliar topic. How did you fare? Tomorrow we start the multicultural voice. Please hand in your critques.

The Black Donnellys - chapter 5 and 6. We will be working on the response tomorrow. Feel free to work ahead and get the draft done so maybe you can have some free time tomorrow.

Stay warm.

Friday, December 4, 2009

ELA 20
The final exam for TKAM was today. If you missed the exam you will write on Monday at noon. All assignments are now due and will NOT be accepted later. If you want a mark for undone assignments, you can come at noon and complete the work. You must start doing homework grade 11. The marks are falling...

Hamlet final projects are due today. The movies were excellent. Thanks for your extra effort and all the frustration. Animal Farm is on the slate now and we will be finished it by Christmas.

Robert Service poetry is my favourite. The guy makes me laugh everytime! Two critiques to work on in Monday's class. Due on Wednesday.

Reading The Black Donnellys and writing the response journals.

Have a good weekend. Be safe and warm.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ELA 20
Worked on final projects and portfolios. All asignments are due Friday - No exceptions. Jeopardy is tomorrow, quiz is Thursday morning. Friday we will start something new.

It was great to hear Pastor Ruten's presentation yesterday. I have added some of his titles to my Christmas wish list. Have you? His presentation was very interesting and I know it inpired many of you.
Hamlet final projects are due Friday, December 4. Reading Animal Farm today.

Quiz for SJW today.

Final projects are due for Macbeth. Reading The Black Donnellys today.

Monday, November 23, 2009

ELA 20
Your assignments for the week:
1. Finish reading TKAM
2. Complete questions on Part 2 and hand in
3. Complete quotes 1-5
Get cracking! I will give you class time but please do not waste my time and you must do homework every night to reach this goal by Thursday. I know you can do it!!

Hamlet is over and now the final projects are due. Tomorrow is Jeopardy for the final quiz on Thursday. Final projects are due next Thursday.

Research the time era for Sgt. John Wilson. Choose a topic and be sure to document you information. This assignment is about documentation moreso than content.

Final exam results for Macbeth were good. Please check the marksheet for your renewed mark. Now, final projects are due in one week with no exceptions. You have homework!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

ELA 20
Assignments are slow to come in. By Monday I need two quotes done in final copy and another quote by Tuesday. Remembrance Day posters are worth 25 marks. Due Monday as well.

Wrote the Act 4 quiz. Next week we will finish the play so the final exam on Hamlet will probably be Wednesday or Thursday. Thesis statement assignment is due as well as the Remembrance Day assignment.

Good discussion on Lois Simmie's writing style. The difference between a novel and a biography is indeed the author's purpose.

Wrote the final exam for Macbeth - there were no long answers so for some of you it will be a chance for your mark to go up.

Have a good weekend. Be safe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ELA 20
Reading class for TKAM. Are all your assignments in? If not, it is too late. Today was the last day to hand in 1st term work.

We began reading Act 4 and created a mind map to solidify the information in our minds regarding the plot of Hamlet. Act 4 quiz will be on Friday. Thank you to students who were in at noon finishing their assignments. Check your marks tonight. Everything will be marked by 5:00pm.

Attendance was poor so we moved ahead to chapters 21-33 which are due for your group work on Friday. Please be aware of the fact that when you are not here, the group suffers because we do not have your expertise on the chapters you researched!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ELA 20
I read the trial excerpts to the class and we discussed the outcome of the trial. Please continue to read because you never know when there might be a pop quiz - like Thursday maybe.

The thesis statement was the weakest part of your essay on the exam so therefore we needed to do the assignment. It is not easy to create a viable statement. We will discuss tomorrow.

Reading STW...chapters 14-20 for group work on Wednesday.

Finishing the quiz and working on final projects.

Monday, November 16, 2009

ELA 20
We read parts of chapters 15-17. We will read the trial excerpt tomorrow. Please read at home as it will be more understandable for you if you have already read it once!!

Thanks for the Remembrance Day posters and poem. Today we worked on final projects and finished the quiz. Tomorrow we will work on writing a complete thesis statement.

The group work went well. Thank you for doing your share of the work. Wednesday we will be presenting from chapter 14-20. Tomorrow we will do the editorial.

Students wrote the quiz on Act 4. I am expecting much better results after all the studying we did in the classroom!! Please feel free to read ahead. It won't hurt you I promise. Tomorrow we start Act 5. Start thinking about your final projects.

Friday, November 13, 2009

ALL CLASSES: Be prepared to stay in at noon on Monday or Tuesday if you have any assignments outstanding in ELA. Last chance or the mark will be zero. PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED. Please check your mark on line as zero has been entered and will not be changed until I see you at noon.

ELA 20
Please complete the essay or poster for the Legion. They will be picking them up on Monday morning. Also, continue reading TKAM. We will be discussing to chapter 15 on Monday. Are all your assignments in?

We wrote the quiz on Act 2/3. Act 4 reading on Monday.

Very poor attendance so we had a reading class. On Monday, we will be moving on with chapters 1-13 of SJW.

Working on review of Act 4 of Macbeth. Test on Monday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

ELA 20
Remebrance Day poster or essay is due tomorrow at the end of class. I hope you have taken it home to finish. (25 marks). As well, some of you do not have the TKAM questions in for chapters 1-11. Please hand in tomorrow.

Thank you for completing the poster or essay for the Legion contest. Tomorrow is the quiz on Act 2 and Act 3. Read over the plot analysis and make sure you are understanding the events.

SJW (The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Willson) is a group effort but you must still read the novel. It is on the final exam in many places so a clear understanding it imperative. Please do the homework required for you part of the group work. Don't let others down.

Test on Act 4 has been moved to Monday, but you can still go on line and read the summary of Act 4 in modern day language. There are many sites about Macbeth so start reading. Yes you have homework!! Do your mind map(15 marks)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ELA 20
We are finished the first 11 chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird and wrote the test today. Keep up with the reading. We will stop and do some theme work for the next couple of days but the next quiz will be Tuesday on chapters 12-15.

Parody is now overdue. The compare and contrast paragraphs should also be done. We are reading to the end very quickly so keep up with the questions. Great advisor class today . Thanks.

Voices from the Past review sheet today. Quiz is tomorrow. I hope if you are home sick, you are feeling better. :)

We made some study quides today - mind map and study cards. Hopefully the test results will improve.

I hope to see your parents today!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

ELA 20
Today we wrote the test on Ch. 5-8. Tomorrow we are discussing Ch. 9-11 and on Wednesday we will write the quiz on Chapters 1-11. Please be at school for the test unless you are sick.

Hamlet parody is due today. We read Act 3 and will be done it tomorrow. Quiz on Act 2/3 on Wednesday.

Friday, October 30, 2009

ELA 20
WE HAVE POSTPONED THE TEST FOR ANOTHER DAY!!! Get reading grade 11. No more postponing. Quote #1 is also due on Monday.

Too bad you missed the pizza for attendance. You were so close but had 6 people missing on Friday so no chanceee for pizza! We wrote a parody of "To Be or not To Be". Final copy is due on Monday.

Reading "he Black Donnellys" in class and typing the final copy of "The Pedlar" assignment.

The results of the Act 2 quiz were not as good as I had expected so we are going to backtrack and review some of the terms used in Act 1 and Act 2.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


ELA 20
We have started reading To Kill a Mockingbird. The quiz on chapters 5-8 is tomorrow. As well, the first quote analysis is due on Monday. Please keep up with the reading as this novel is intense and we will move quickly. You first term marks are good. You are working hard - we just need to speed up.

Nice class average. Excellent effort and your attendance is very strong. Thank you for that, it makes it easier to teach if everyone is in class. Please go online and read some Hamlet analysis . It will give you a better perspective on the novel and its historical background. The Act 2, scene 2 assignment is due on day 2 which is Tuesday.

Everyone is working hard. It is imperative to be in class everyday as we are going to start some in class assignments which are difficult to complete out of class. Our unit of study is the Voice from the Past. It is a look at early Canadian writers - their topics, their setting and their attitudes toward Canada.

Macbeth is in deep trouble. He has killed Duncan and now has had Banquo killed. You were thinking during the debate on the third murderer. That was a refreshing break in the normal action. Work hard - your mark is an indication of your effort.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This week was crazier than the last. It is my purpose today to update the status and assignments of each class. If you have any questions, ask in class so everyone is up to speed. Thank you to the grade 12 and grade 10 classes who participated in the LIP story and questions. I will mark your answers and we will discuss as a class if we want to record the marks. Next week the grade 12 classes will be completing the AFL writing assessment. You will be marked on your essay (25 marks). This is a provincial assessment that I signed you up to complete because you are an exceptional group in terms of creative writing .

ELA 20
The Glass Menagerie quiz is on Friday (tomorrow). It is short answer questions and an essay question. The dramatic readings were good. One group will go again on Tuesday so we can have a mark for your "Laura". Assignments are pretty much caught up. We are right on schedule with the curriculum so thanks for your consistant work.

We are quite messed up with our computer day and it looks like next week is a miss as well. Try to get the assignments in on your own time and I will try to find computers during class. The assignments that are due are: 1) poem analysis of "The Story"
2) Internet research of Hamlet
3) mythology assignment from Hamlet (Internet)
Next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, we are completing the AFL writing and on Thursday, you willl have a computer class to get caught up on assignments.

The ceiling tiles are not in yet so we will just carry on and finish the final projects for Death on the Ice when the tiles come in. The precis writing unit will be interrupted next week by the AFL on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday, you will be involved in a History workshop. It is all curriculum related so just go with the flow.

Final projects for Warriors Don't Cry are due on Tuesday so try to get everything done before then so you don't have homework in ELA. Good attendance last month! Congrats on the pizza reward.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We live in a peaceful country and need to be grateful for what we have been given.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I hope everyone had a good weekend and everyone (including the farmers) enjoyed the rain break. Only 9 months until June!

ELA 20
Questions, expressions and vocabulary are due on Day 4 so you have homework. Providing the class is working, you will have class time.

We are at the end of Unit 1 and all assignments up to "The Story " are now past due. Students are expected to complete assignments at noon hour if they want a mark other than zero. In that way, I can identify the problem associated with the late assignment. Thank you to students who are up to date and cruising!

Tomorrow is our typing day and assignment due day. Assignments #2 and #3 are due as well as the chapter charting for Death on the Ice and the murder charge paragraph. The open book essay exam will be on Friday. Projects all week or as long as you are suitably engaged.

Good work period. Most of you are working hard to give your best possible effort. Tomorrow is Jeopardy - boys vs. girls. It is the way we review the novel and study for the quiz on Wednesday.

Have a good evening. See you tomorrow.

Friday, September 25, 2009

ELA 20
Worked in computer lab on unfinished assignments. Students will now have to do a noonhour to receive a mark on incomplete work. In that way, I can help you. Good job to the students who have completed assignments on time.

Today was the first day of sustained reading. It is a new idea that is designed to help students become lifelong readers. Students may bring in their own novel to read at this time providing it is school appropriate.

Discussion today centered around hypothermia - difficult topic in 30 degree weather. Next Friday will be the open book, essay quiz on Death on the Ice. The charting and assignment #2 (reflection) and assignment #3 (expressions) are due on Tuesday. For the rest of the week we will be concentrating on our final projects for this novel.

We typed the obituary for the character from Warriors Don't Cry. In today's world it is important to know where to find a sample of the writing you are required to do. The newspaper is a good spot to find the format for an obituary. Students should be almost done reading Warriors Don't Cry. Next week will be the test on the novel and final projects. Good job grade 10 we are right on track!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

ELA 20
Outstanding assignments must be handed in ASAP. Noon hour will be your only option if you cannot do the work in class or for homework. We are reading "The Glass Menagerie" and watching the movie presentation. For tomorrow you should have the questions completed to the end of Scene IV (four). We will be getting a vocabulary assignment and a figures of speech assignment. Here it comes...don't fall behind.

Unit 1 quiz today. We are finished the first part of the "identity" theme. The test results will be posted on Maplewood markbook by 4:00pm today. You can view them at your leisure, otherwise you will have to wait until everyone has written the test. Tomorrow is a reading class so bring something appropriate to read or you can read some of my "stuff".

We discussed some critical thinking questions on Death on the Ice. You are good thinkers and will do well on your final projects for this novel. The hardest part will be choosing a topic.

Don't sit on the couch if you are not going to read!! When you waste a reading period, I think you don't need the class time and I move on. Make use of the time. It's a long way to grade 12 and in grade 12, you will want the time to read. Assignments are almost all in. Good job.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thank you to the students who work diligently while I was gone last week. I really appreciate the fact that you are mature in your attitude when a sub is in the classroom.

ELA 20
Today we went to the computer lab and worked on the essay draft or the allusion assignment. Both are due tomorrow or you will have to complete the assignment at noon if you want marks. We will be editing the draft so please have your first copy completed. We will also start reading the Glass Menagerie. We will be taking parts to read the play.

We are completing the World Reading Log for "The Nose". It is due on Day 2 (Monday). Work smart and get it done tonight before m0re assignments pile on.

The speeches were very good. Congratulations to all of you for your courage to step out of your comfort zone. I thought you all did very well. Death on the Ice is a difficult read but tomorrow we will practice charting the chapters.

Today we wrote the quiz on Chapters 4-6 for Warriors Don't Cry. Tomorrow the quiz will be on chapters 7-9. Please try to read ahead because we will be speeding up with a quiz every day until we are done the book.

Happy harvest! The crop looks great!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey Everyone,

I will be gone from class on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday so it is my intention in this blog to let you know what our classes will be accomplishisng on those days. Your attendance is imperative as is your good behaviour. Thanks in advance. Maybe cookies at the next coffee day?

ELA 20
Today we are reading "Pencil Crayons" and will begin studying the character of Josh's father. Over the next two days you will be responsible to:
1. Write the draft copy of the essay for "Pencil Crayons".
2. Research some allusions (Internet) in preparation for The Glass Menagerie.
3. Begin reading the play, The Glass Menagerie and answering questions. The questions require a short answer in sentence form.

Pace yourself over the next three days and you will be just fine. Please do the assignments in the following order:
1. Finish drafting the essay for "Shooting an Elephant"
2. Write the nomination speech (should be done in class on Wednesday)
3. If essay and speech drafting are done before Friday, read "The Nose" (Modern World Literature) and complete the World Reading Log.
4. On Friday, type the final copy of the essay and the speech. Both must have a cover page, be double spaced, and the speech must have proper intext documentation.
5. If you are finished both of your final copies, complete the "Counterparts" assignment and then return to "The Nose".
I will be expecting to correct the essay and the speech on the weekend.


The next three days you will complete the following:

1. Reading Death on the Ice and charting the first 10 chapters. -Assignment #1 - hand in

2. Complete Assignment #2 - Kean family RAFTS - hand in

3. Complete Assignment #3 - Newfoundland Dialect - hand in

4. Continue reading.

On Monday, you will be presenting your Bloodflowers speeches and then we will be discussing the first 10 chapters of the novel so please be prepared.


Work hard in the next three days and make sure the following assignments are completed by Friday at 3:30:

1. Draft copy and the final copy (typed in Thursday's class). Hand in both draft and final copy. Make sure the final copy is double spaced and has a title. (no cover page)

2. Read chapters 5-8 of Warriors Don't Cry and complete a chapter summary for each of those chapters. The quiz is on Monday. If you happen to complete these chapters, continue reading to the end!

The assignments I have given to each class are not difficult but require you to settle in and keep focused throughout the class. Do your best.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Good morning - it is Friday and for those of you who have been faithfully reading my blog, I apologize for the past two gets in the way of blogging. I hope you have a good weekend. It has been a productive week in the ELA classes and the assignments are starting to roll in. Make sure you have all assignments in on Monday as this will be your 2 minute warning!!

ELA 20 - ASSIGNMENTS DUE Tuesday after typing class.
- At the Wedding RAFTS - final copy and draft
- Portfolio pages - Song Lyrics, Symbol from childhood (draft copies)
- Inventory of Being (draft)

-Weed of Flower analogy
-I am not I - summary
-The Enemy - paraphrase
-Draft copy essay - "Shooting An Elephant"

-Canadian paragraph
-Bloodflowers Essay (final copy)
-Bloodflowers speech - Monday, Sept. 15

-Connotation. denotation ads
-Homeless essay (final copy)
-Memoir (final copy)

If your assignments are not handed in by Monday, Sept. 14, please be prepared to stay in at noon on Monday so we can work together to get things done!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ELA 20
Day 4 is fast approaching. It is our typing final copy day so make sure you have everything ready to type - 1. At the Wedding RAFTS, 2. Song Lyrics - Portfolio page, 4. Symbol from childhood- Portfolio page. Work hard so you do not fall behind. Any assignments not completed on Day 4 will be noon hour assignments. Our Day 4 class is in the library so if you happen to complete everything, you can work on other portfolio pages or the Inventory of Being.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and you are ready to work hard. I am having to repeat myself many times in class. It is imperative that you focus when I am talking so you improve your listening skills. I hope we don't have to go back to single desks.

ELA 20
We are drafting the "At the Wedding" RAFTS. We will be typing them on Day 4 so please make sure you have a completed draft by then. Tomorrow we are reading "Penny in the Dust". We will read this one together.

The essay writing process is not complicated but has a series of simple steps that when followed will make your work load half of what it was before. You must brainstorm and outline before you write the essay. Tomorrow we are reading "Shooting an Elephant" in class together. Then we are outlining and writing an essay on the story.

Drafting the essay for Danny Thorson and his escape from Black Island. Draft is now due and must be ready to type on Day 3 which is Friday. Your Canadian paragraph and graphic is also due on that day - you will have the class to type them both.

You worked hard once you settled down. Be quick to get to work or homework will be in your agenda. Tomorrow is Day 1 and we will be typing the final draft of the homeless essay and the final draft of the memoir. You will not get to the lab if you do not have both drafts completed. See you tomorrow.

Friday, September 4, 2009

You made it through the first week. Ela 20 has 100% attendance - nicely done!! Rough day for some of you football players but thanks for not taking a "sick day". Your accountability is appreciated.

ELA 20
Still waiting for mini portfolio from 4 students. This is not a good start. Manage your time - which may mean a noonhour in my classroom. Don't make me phone your mom. We started the RAFTS on the poem "At the Wedding". If you are able, work on the first draft for Tuesday so we can move on to the second draft.

The paraphrase of "The Enemy" and the summary of "I Am Not I" are both due next Thursday. (no final copy is necessary) The Weed and Flower draft is due as well on Thursday and you can type your final copy in class on that day. Please work ahead of these deadlines and take the stress off yourself.

Your assignment is to write a persuasive personal essay on "Bloodflowers". Work on this assignment this weekend as you only have one more class to draft. I will be moving on to the next objective on Tuesday and then you will have the rest of the class to draft your essay.

I would like to phone your parents and tell them how well you are doing in grade 10 ELA but maybe you could just let them read this blog. Seriously, I am very impressed with your work ethic and your maturity level. I think we will do well together. Work on your draft copy of the homeless essay so you are ready to type final copy on Day 1 which is Wednesday.

Have a great long weekend. I will be cooking for my kids and grandkids who are coming home. Stay cool! (Like I had to tell YOU that!!)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I had a great day and I hope you did as well.

ELA 20
Class was in the library and the goal was to complete the mini portfolio and move onto the song lyric assignment and then possibly the inventory of being. Only 50 % of you completed the goal so I am left to surmise that the library is not a good place for you to get work completed. DO NOT FALL BEHIND IN THIS CLASS. As I go to my happy place... 50% of you are right on track and working hard. Thank you.

The paraphrase and summary are basic skills used by anyone who is considered literate. Keep in mind that we as teachers are not here to entertain you - just help you graduate. Over and out.

Reading class for novel choice. Your journal entries reveal that overall the experience was a positive one so we will keep going. Maybe next time we should read outside to keep us awake!!

Connotation and denotation are two words you will hear from now until the end of grade twelve. Tomorrow we will finish the assignment from the advertisements and move on - bring your Crossroads. Are you finished your draft of the "Homeless" essay? The draft is due on Day 1 -Wednesday.

See you at Spectacular Spartans tonight.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well we are half way through the first week . Before you know it, we will be half way through the year. What are your goals for this year? Set some good habits early so you can achieve the best possible results. Attend the Spectacular Spartans Awards Night and plan out which awards you will be receiving next year.

ELA 20
We read the "home" theme poems and created a chart to compare the three poems. Making a chart is a good way to brainstorm ideas before you start writing. The remainder of the class we worked on the mini-portfolio which is due tomorrow at the end of class. You are a nice way to start the morning ELA 20!!

"Identity" assignment drafts are due on your next computer day which is Day 2. At that time we will take the assignment to final copy. Tomorrow we move on to new literature. You certainly worked hard this morning and I appreciate your maturity level.

The "read a Canadian novel" idea could be quite interesting. Try to read for variety but the idea is that you will read more Canadian literatue and become better aquainted with the Canadian voice. Your Canadian paragraph draft must be ready to take to final copy on Day 3 but if you get it done sooner - good for you!

Good essay writing grade 10! My hope is that you find the process easy and not unbearable. I thought you did very well today. Make sure you complete the draft for Day 1 so we can type the final copy.

Have a good evening everyone.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome Back Everyone!
My blog is up and running and my plan is to blog everyday after school for 10 minutes. I hope this meets with your timetable and you can check the blog anytime after 4:00pm. It feels different at KCI this year and I know we are going to be successful as a team. Remember: if you find a mechanical error in this blog and are the first one to let me know (post a comment or tell me in class) I will give you 1 percentage mark. Keep sharp.

ELA 20
First class today and we have a very unique group - I am looking forward to working with you on your portfolio. Brainstorm tonight for your mini-portfolio assignment we will work on tomorrow. Due Thursday at the end of class.

World Literature is an interesting class and I know you will enjoy most of the literature as it will make you think. Two questions we ask: What is the issue in this literature? How does this issue affect or connect to me? 1st half of class is in the computer lab to research flowers and weeds. Second half is in the classroom, drafting the assignment. Final copy will be due complete with graphic on Day 2.

Canadian literature is not that intriguing but being Canadian is!!The curriculum will be enhanced by your ability to bring something to the table. Read any good Canadian novels lately?

This course is issue based so our discussions will centre around the issue. You will be challenged to take a stand on topics that are current in our world. Be ready to talk! Today we worked through a frame and an essay outline. Tomorrow we will draft the essay together.