Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well we are half way through the first week . Before you know it, we will be half way through the year. What are your goals for this year? Set some good habits early so you can achieve the best possible results. Attend the Spectacular Spartans Awards Night and plan out which awards you will be receiving next year.

ELA 20
We read the "home" theme poems and created a chart to compare the three poems. Making a chart is a good way to brainstorm ideas before you start writing. The remainder of the class we worked on the mini-portfolio which is due tomorrow at the end of class. You are a nice way to start the morning ELA 20!!

"Identity" assignment drafts are due on your next computer day which is Day 2. At that time we will take the assignment to final copy. Tomorrow we move on to new literature. You certainly worked hard this morning and I appreciate your maturity level.

The "read a Canadian novel" idea could be quite interesting. Try to read for variety but the idea is that you will read more Canadian literatue and become better aquainted with the Canadian voice. Your Canadian paragraph draft must be ready to take to final copy on Day 3 but if you get it done sooner - good for you!

Good essay writing grade 10! My hope is that you find the process easy and not unbearable. I thought you did very well today. Make sure you complete the draft for Day 1 so we can type the final copy.

Have a good evening everyone.

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