Friday, September 4, 2009

You made it through the first week. Ela 20 has 100% attendance - nicely done!! Rough day for some of you football players but thanks for not taking a "sick day". Your accountability is appreciated.

ELA 20
Still waiting for mini portfolio from 4 students. This is not a good start. Manage your time - which may mean a noonhour in my classroom. Don't make me phone your mom. We started the RAFTS on the poem "At the Wedding". If you are able, work on the first draft for Tuesday so we can move on to the second draft.

The paraphrase of "The Enemy" and the summary of "I Am Not I" are both due next Thursday. (no final copy is necessary) The Weed and Flower draft is due as well on Thursday and you can type your final copy in class on that day. Please work ahead of these deadlines and take the stress off yourself.

Your assignment is to write a persuasive personal essay on "Bloodflowers". Work on this assignment this weekend as you only have one more class to draft. I will be moving on to the next objective on Tuesday and then you will have the rest of the class to draft your essay.

I would like to phone your parents and tell them how well you are doing in grade 10 ELA but maybe you could just let them read this blog. Seriously, I am very impressed with your work ethic and your maturity level. I think we will do well together. Work on your draft copy of the homeless essay so you are ready to type final copy on Day 1 which is Wednesday.

Have a great long weekend. I will be cooking for my kids and grandkids who are coming home. Stay cool! (Like I had to tell YOU that!!)

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