Monday, September 21, 2009

Thank you to the students who work diligently while I was gone last week. I really appreciate the fact that you are mature in your attitude when a sub is in the classroom.

ELA 20
Today we went to the computer lab and worked on the essay draft or the allusion assignment. Both are due tomorrow or you will have to complete the assignment at noon if you want marks. We will be editing the draft so please have your first copy completed. We will also start reading the Glass Menagerie. We will be taking parts to read the play.

We are completing the World Reading Log for "The Nose". It is due on Day 2 (Monday). Work smart and get it done tonight before m0re assignments pile on.

The speeches were very good. Congratulations to all of you for your courage to step out of your comfort zone. I thought you all did very well. Death on the Ice is a difficult read but tomorrow we will practice charting the chapters.

Today we wrote the quiz on Chapters 4-6 for Warriors Don't Cry. Tomorrow the quiz will be on chapters 7-9. Please try to read ahead because we will be speeding up with a quiz every day until we are done the book.

Happy harvest! The crop looks great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Eisner I was just checking what your B30 class was doing, and if any of it was simliar to my B30 class. ttyl. <3 a.keshane